Detroit Future Schools program offers a new classroom paradigm |DFS featured in Model D

detroit-future-schools-5 Model D Media recently released an excellent piece by David Sands, "Detroit Future Schools program offers a new classroom paradigm". The piece speaks to the history of the work Detroit Future Schools has been doing over the last three years and the impact it has had in the classroom.

Quote From Allie Gross, a DFS teacher from our 2nd year

"I feel like my students gained so much. They really looked forward to the DFS artist coming into the classroom," says Gross. "It really centers upon student-centered learning and students expressing their opinion and backing it up with evidence. Those became key components of my classroom, which I'm very grateful to DFS for introducing to me."

Check the piece out here!

There are also some amazing shots from one of our last days of school at the James and Grace Lee Boggs School by the amazing Marvin Shaouni.